Our Tax Attorneys Will Explain Little Known Methods To Resolve State Tax Problems
Faith Law Firm resolves state tax problems too. We represent individuals and businesses before the Wisconsin Department of Revenue, Illinois Department of Revenue, Indiana Department of Revenue, State of California Franchise Tax Board, and other states’ tax authorities.
Our clients have incurred state income tax, sales tax, and penalties. Many of our clients are business owners or independent contractors who either underestimated payments or failed to make payments for quarterly income tax. Our clients put their faith in our law firm, and we deliver results.
If you have a state income tax problem or IRS problem, Faith Firm will discuss your situation free of charge in an initial consultation. Remember that tax problems just don’t go away, so let’s get on it and help you get your life back!
Give us a call today:
- 414-771-9200 (WI)
- 312-584-1440 (IL)
- 813-535-8080 (FL)
State Tax Law Help in Wisconsin, Illinois & Florida
Contact Us Today To Get Help With State Tax Problems